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Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring activity!

Wow.  I gotta say, I am ready for spring to be here.  The random warmth we had this weekend got me itching for more.  The children and the animals are done with it being cold and gray, too.  I decided that this past Saturday was the day to really get into the beehives to see how they were fairing.  I was quite pleased to see that 100% of our hives have survived to this point.  The bees were very happy to have the sun and warmth.  At the peak of the day the bee yard was filled with bees flying around.  I did give each hive a pollen patty and some syrup just to make sure we're doing everything we can to help them survive.
Happy bees soaking up some sun. 
Raziel, Gandalf, and Agatha are looking forward to more sun also.....With more sun and warmth comes more fresh grass that they can fill up on.  As you can see, their wool coats have grown quite long.  Anytime now we will be getting them shorn. 
The chickens have really started to thrive.  We are getting eggs again!  Our hens are 100% free-range.  Because they have access to all the good things chickens should have the yolks are a very vivid orange.  It is so nice to have really fresh eggs again.  We are Ohio Department of Agriculture inspected and approved for eggs.  If inrerested, they are $3/doz on a first come first served basis.  If you contact me ahead of time I can set some aside for you.
Happy chickens picking over some spinach.
And finally, my wild girl just loves to play in the dirt.  I sure did too at her age.  Heck...I still do today.
Miss Willow
As spring gets here we'll be more and more busy.  With that comes more for blog posting!  So yeah...stay tuned!


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